On Saturday, September 30th in Wannamaker Park in Charleston, SC, we will help produce and brand Teal Diva's 3rd Annual 5K race. We are very excited to be a sponsor, brand manager and partner of Teal Diva. Gynecologic Cancer includes 5 main types of cancer that affect a woman’s reproductive organs: cervical, ovarian, uterine, vaginal, and vulvar. As a group, they are referred to as gynecologic cancers. Each gynecologic cancer is unique, with different signs, symptoms, and risk factors (things that may increase your chance of getting cancer).
There is no test to check for Ovarian cancer. Know the signs:
BLOATING that is persistent
EATING LESS and feeling fuller
Abdominal PAIN
Trouble with your BLADDER
If you are in the area or want to travel down for the 5k we will be there. Come join us and cheer on the runners and survivors. Help us raise awareness and spread the word on the symptoms. If you are unsure if you are at risk - ask your doctor for an ultra sound it is one of the only ways to possibly detect it. If only we could add this ultra sound to our annual check up.