Graphic Design Portfolio Review
Have you ever submitted your design portfolio online for a job and never heard anything back? Employers won't tell you why they said no, but there is a reason you're not getting the job. It could be your portfolio. Our design experts provide constructive feedback to make your portfolio better.

Time & Location
Time is TBD
Graphic Design Portfolio Review
About the event
Does your portfolio represent your design skills and talent without an in-person verbal presentation?
What if you had a trusted professional on your side to review your portfolio and offer constructive feedback?
Which projects stand out? Which projects should be removed?
Would you be open to replacing a not-so-great project sample with an actual real and current client?
Design portfolios have grown beyond the leatherbound collection of paper samples and quality hand-drawn work. Getting to sit down with prospective employers to carefully go through a portfolio page by page is a rare experience, especially in this time of virtual interviews. Now, graphic designers have to solely rely on putting their portfolio online in hopes that it represents all of the creative work they have done from school projects, freelancing, and beyond.
In reality, employers barely have time to respond to emails let alone view your online portfolio without you there to present it. Your design projects have to be well versed and showcase your talent.
This opportunity is yours, courtesy of HIBISCUS Brand Management, if you are up for the challenge.
Portfolio Review